

Iceland is an island on the northern side of the world surrounded by the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans.The island was formed some 20 million years ago by volcanic eruptions in the mid atlantic ridge and is still growing to this day from fresh volcanic eruption. It is a largely arctic desert covered by mountains, volcanoes, hot springs, glaciers and lots of waterfalls.



It’s recorded history started by the settlement of viking explorers mainly from Norway and British Isles looking for new lands to farm or escaping conflicts from their own country. Given how misleading the country’s name is, the myth that some icelanders believe is that long ago the leaders decided to give it a false name to keep their enemies away and discourage oversettlement.



Iceland is known for its small population and friendly people. They are proud that they still speak the ancient language of the Vikings, but they certainly don’t live in the past. Their cherished ancient heritage lives in harmony with the most exciting innovations from the world of arts and culture today. This refreshing mix of local, traditional, progressive and cosmopolitan culture appeals to almost every taste.



The attractions in Iceland are endless to any nature lover and there is something for everyone with all levels of adventure and fitness. From enormous waterfalls, to dramatic mountains, volcanoes, and glaciers. It is also filled with hot springs - the most famous being the Blue Lagoon - as well as unique and weird looking beaches like the black sand beach or diamond beach. The Northern Lights could be one of the most top picked attractions in Iceland given it has one the high probability of seeing them in such beautiful settings. For animal lovers, the Icelandic horse is definitely a site to see with such a muscular and simply gorgeous look, you can go on a ride along the coastlines on these beauties.


What we do

Iceland has so much to offer and we think that you to experience everything possible in this gorgeous country. Our Iceland adventure will take you almost around the entire country from North to South in 7 days covering all of the activities and places to visit on anyone’s bucket list to Iceland. Check it out by clicking on the below link