

A mid-sized full-forested patch on the map of Eastern Europe; Slovenia’s geography is divided between the high altitude mountains in the north neighbouring Austra, and the narrow strip of coastline on the Adriatic between Italy and Croatia.



Being inhabited since the early paleolithic age (250,000 BC) and by Celtic tribes after that (400 BC), Slovenia just got its independence from the Yugoslav republic on 1991 on a night when people gathered in Ljubljana and declared that “this night dreams are allowed”.



Half of the population lives in the countryside and the other half still have a strong connection with it. Everywhere you’ll go you’ll find baroque architecture, slow organic local food and sorely underrated excellent wine.



Out of the many wonders in Slovenia, three stand out the most; Mount Triglav, highest in Slovenia and in the Julian Alps. The Soca river with its very fast current. And the lovely Lake Bled.


What we do

If you’re after mountain climbing, river rafting, cultural sightseeings, mountain biking or paragliding; Slovenia has a nice bit of all of these and so we taste a bit of everything too.