

Much of the country is heavily influenced by one of Africa’s biggest lakes, Lake Victoria, which contains many islands. Lying entirely in the Nile Basin, the lands are lush with greenery and life, while also hosting rocky, snow capped high altitude peaks.



Uganda was inhabited by hunter-gatherers up until some 2000 years ago. From then, it became a kingdom until in 1967, after a coup, a new constitution proclaimed it a republic and abolished the traditional kingdom rule.



Owing to the large number of communities, Uganda is very diverse in culture. Many Asians, mostly from India, who were expelled during the regime of Idi Amin, have returned once again.



Alongside the African grassland, lush forests, and national parks, Uganda is host to Mt. Stanley: a glaciated peak reminiscent of snowy mountain tops of the European alps.


What we do

If you are a fan of solitude on the mountains, Mt. Stanley is the perfect alternative to Kilimanjaro. You will pass through untouched landscapes and feel like you are the first person to climb the mountain.